Float through balloons with Zebrasus and Bumblebee » Pummeleinhorn
Mit Zebrasus und Hummel durch Luftballonien schweben

Float through balloons with Zebrasus and Bumblebee

Float through balloons with Zebrasus and Bumblebee

Life is literally easier in balloons - because the balloon houses float far above the ground! Even though he can't fly yet, Zebrasus loves living here - because his best friend Hummel lives right next door at Honigtopfplatz , where honey cake and bee stings are eaten for breakfast!

The residents

Zebrasus' glittering garden

If the thin helium air in balloons gets to your head, you can take a break in Zebrasus' glittering garden . Under the colorful glittering lights you can watch a piece of bee sting as Bumblebee helps Zebrasus cram for the flight test.

Honey pot place

The Honigtopfplatz is named after the famous Hubertus Honigtopf. By chance, he left his bumble bees sitting unobserved in the same room with a sack of fresh flowers. When he returned, they had produced delicious honey, which was from then on considered a symbol of the region! Today the honeycomb-shaped square is a meeting place for young and old, striped and dotted. You should be careful not to get stuck to the ground.

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